As it emerges from the European Digital Strategy: Shaping Europe’s Digital Future (EC-2020), the EU wants to be a leader in blockchain technology, becoming an innovator in blockchain and a home to significant platforms, applications and companies.

We can also see that in recent times and even more since the World Pandemic, Blockchain Technologies (BCT) and their use have grown to the point that the required digital skills and possible investment to incorporate such smart technologies onto different organizational systems are now accessible, however, still lacking the required minimum knowledge from organizations and individuals to navigate successfully the digital global economy, so that such businesses can also grow faster and in a more sustainable way. Therefore, the project BLOCK by BLOCK: “Promoting a new Blockchain Technology-based digital learning pattern in VET to boost entrepreneurship, sustainable business creation and growth” which is a 2 years Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in the field of VET (Vocational Education & Training), that involves 7 partners from 6 countries (Austria, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Poland and Finland), aims at becoming a new EU educational reference within the Blockchain Technology for new business creation, growth & sustainability and, VET Education, as it will provide an innovative online training model and e-tools specifically designed to boost entrepreneurship and, by incorporating in it the BCT fundamentals, tailored on the actual needs of the project target groups, it will also enhance the creation of new sustainable online businesses, while facilitating the growth of existing ones, in a more transparent & reliable way (given by the main featured brought in by blockchain technology itself).
Finally, during the past 1st of June 2022 the kick-off meeting of the project BLOCKBYBLOCK took place in Vienna (Austria) and, during this occasion the 7 project Partners were able to discuss in detail all the next planned activities and digital tools that will be soon available for VET Trainers/Learners, Adult Educators/Learners, Youth Workers/Youth, as well as Business Owners, Present & future digital Entrepreneurs, etc.
As an anticipation, please check out the brand-new project website, available in English, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Polish and Finnish language.
Thanks for your attention and Stay tuned for more news about the project BLOCKBYBLOCK.

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2021-2-AT01-KA220-VET-000048064